
If you have surfed through various sites seeking for information regarding Nepal but you got unlucky. If you have wasted many precious hours online but didnt come with information better than Garbage then friends, you have come to the right place.

The Adventure is a platform created where all questions about Nepal get answered. If you are planning a trip to Nepal, but you have no clue whatsoever about what are some great toursit destinations in Nepal, what is the culture like in Nepal, what are some adventures that is a must to do in Nepal, what are things that you should refrain from doing etc, this page has all answers.

This site is our endeavor to educate Nepal's tourists on various aspects about Nepal. Because we believe in a Sanskrit proverb "Atithi Debo Bhava" meaning - Our guest are our gods. We want tourists in Nepal to depart with nothing but fun filled and warm memories of lifetime.

The Adventure facebook page is aimed mainly at giving you a glimpse of various landscapes of Nepal mainly through breath taking images.

Our blogging site under the same name - The-Adventure  provides you in detail about various aspects of Nepal - culture, festivals, shopping destinations etc. in detail through the blogs/stories of our users. Our users share their 1st hand experience about travelling in various hinterlands and mystic places in Nepal, about interesting eating joints in various parts of Nepal, about rafting/hiking/bungee jumping and many such unbelievably amazing adventures, about nightlife in Nepal etc.

So please feel free to use this site and also share this site among your friend group, your peer group and help us in promoting Nepal.