
In 1997, an area of 327 sq. km surrounding the park was declared as a buffer zone which consists of forests and private lands. The buffer zone is jointly managed by the park and local communities. Together they initiate community development activities and manage natural resources in the buffer zones.

The park offers a variety of experiences in its vast undisturbed wilderness. About 70% of the forest consists of Sal trees with a mixture of grassland and riverine forests.

Wilderness and Wilderness in the relatively unexplored deep jungles of far western Nepal where wildlife is more that abundant. Remote, Challenging and offering unique adventure for wildlife and nature lovers.
Sal leaves are used in festival and religious offering. The park is home to endangered animals such as the Royal Bengal tiger, wild elephant, Greater one-horned rhinoceros, swamp deer, and black buck; the other endangered species include gharial-crocodile, marsh mugger and Gangetic dolphin. Endangered birds found in the park are Bengal florican, lesser florican and sarus crane, more that 30 different mammals, over 230 species of birds and several species of snakes, lizard and fish have been recorded in the park's forest, grassland and river. In addition to the resident species, several migratory birds visit the park.

The Royal Bardia National Park was initially a Royal hunting reserve. It was in 1976 that it was gazetted as Royal Karnali Wildlife Reserve with an area of only 368 sq. KM in 1982, It was renamed as Royal Bardia Wildlife Reserve Which also included the Babai River Valley. It was only in 1988 that is was granted a status of National Park in order to preserve the dwindling species of rare ecosystem, including flora and fauna, particularly the tiger and its other prey species. This park is the largest and most undisturbed wilderness area in the terai p[providing excellent habitat for most of the endangered species of wildlife and birds. The park now covers an area of 968 sq. KM. It was only 1994 basic facilities existed for independent visitors. It has extensive and varied wildlife-all endangered rhinoceros, Wild elephants, The Royal Bengal Tiger, Swamp deer, Black buck, Gharial Crocodile, Gangetic Dolphins.

More than thirty different mammals, over 400 species of birds, many snakes, lizards , and fish have been sighted and recorded in the park's forest, grassland and river habitats. Among these include, Langur monkey, common leopard, Jungle cat, fishing at, large and small Indian civets, mongoose, hyena, wild dog, jackal. sloth bear, otter, porcupine, bandicoots, blue bull (Nilgai), Sambar deer, hog deer, barking dear, wild boar etc. This park is one of the best place to view the most magnificent of cats, The Royal Bengal Tigers. The chance are almost 80% depending on season.


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